Next regular meeting
March 3rd at 8:00pm
Oak Street Restaurant & Bar
945 Oak St., Aurora, IL
How to Challenge a COMMIT Event
An employee may challenge a COMMIT event outcome as follows:
Step 1: The involved employee must submit a request to the manager who conducted the COMMIT test within ten (10) days from the date of the COMMIT event.
Step 2: The manager will promptly review the applicable rules, standards and testing procedures with the requesting employee. If the testing manager and the employee do not agree that the COMMIT test was valid, the employee may ask the COMMIT manager to submit the COMMIT test event to the service unit DRO for further review.
Step 3: If the DRO makes a determination it is a valid COMMIT test, the employee may request further review by the Service Unit Superintendent.
Step 4: If the superintendent determines it is a valid COMMIT test, the employee may request a final review by the General Director Regional Operations.
Management review of the COMMIT test event should be completed within twenty (20) days from the COMMIT test event or prior to an investigative hearing, whichever comes first.
This posting is an excerpt from the COMMIT managers guide dated June 1,2019 page 19.
Union Note: do this in writing and cc the following email address: